2010 San Francisco Joint Meetings of the AMS and MAA from the contributed papers sessions on Innovative and Effective Ways to Teach Linear Algebra
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors--helping students see what they do
Student-centered linear algebra activities
Introducing Linear Algebra to middle school students
Interesting projects while teaching Linear Algebra courses
Learning the language of Linear Algebra: using reading assignments to immerse students in terminology and ideas
Three tested ways to empower students to engage in linear algebra
Matrices of sequences: recurrent and computation
Transitioning to a Laguerre Basis
Using quaternions and rotation matrices for rotations in R3
Linear Algebra done right! Back to Grassmann
One course to serve them all: mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers
Learning technology to teach mathematics
Use of technlogy in teaching the mathematics of Linear Algebra
ICT Linear Algebra class model with Sage math
Enhancing students' attitudes towards Linear Algebra with technology
Programming Linear Algebra
Looking at conceptual online Linear Algebra applets
Matrix multiplication and applications: a chicken and egg problem
Inverses for matrices that don't have inverses
A java applet and tutorial for the Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR Methods
Using Linear Algebra to measure power
Applying image processing techniques to promote conceptual understanding in Linear Algebra classes