Foster Graf (Stauffer Endowed Research Fellow 2022)
Determination of the Total Energy Budget Available to Predators of the Damselfly in the Southern California Coastal Area; Method Development and Application (collaboration with Greg Grether, UCLA Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
Determination of Aminothiols by HPLC-FLD as Part of a Larger Study on the Effect of Folic Acid, Proteins, and Physical Activity in CB57 Mice
Tuska, Rebecca; Helm, Sophia; James, Courtney; Graf, C. Foster; Green, David B.; Helm, Susan E. Symposium of the Undergraduate Research Program, Pepperdine University, “Influence of Dietary Folic Acid, Protein, and Physcial Activity Upon Neurocognitive Behavior and Biomarkers of Inflammation (CRP), Angiogenesis (VEGF) and Apoptosis (Caaspase-3) in CB57 mice” March 2022.

Anna Frey(Stauffer Endowed Research Fellow 2021, 2022)
Determination of TTX in the California Newt, Taricha torosa, including Gary Bucciarlli (UCLA La Kretz Center) and Lee Kats (Pepperdine Department of Biology)
Frey, Anna; Bucciarelli, Gary M.;Kats, Lee B.; Green, David B. 263rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA “Quantitation Of Tetrodotoxin and its Role in Understanding the Evolutionary and Environmental Consequences in the New-Garter Snake Prey-Predator Reslationship” March 2022.

Elizabeth Chang (Stauffer Endowed Research Fellow 2021, 2022)
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of [Cp*IrX2] Dimers for Synthesis of Iridium-halide-bpy Complexes (with Kelsey Brereton, Department of Chemistry)
Chang, Elizabeth T.; Green, David. B.; Brereton, Kelsey R. 263rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA “Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl Iridium Dihalide Dimers” March 2022.

Melanie Oliva (Stauffer Endowed Research Fellow 2021, 2022)
Efficient Silver-Free Synthesis of Iridium-Aqua Complexes of Cp* by Solid-Phase Ion Exchange with Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Characterization (with Kelsey Brereton, Department of Chemistry)
Oliva, Melanie C.; Chang, Elizabeth T.; Green, David. B.; Brereton, Kelsey R. 263rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA “Silver-Free Synthesis of Iridium-Aquo Complexes by Heterogeneoous Solid-Phase Ion Exchange” March 2022.

Daron Excel (Stauffer Endowed Research Fellow 2021)
Directing Reactivity of Iridium Photoelectrocatalysts Towards Ketone Reduction (with Kelsey Brereton, Department of Chemistry)
Determination of Aminothiols by HPLC-FLD as Part of a Larger Study on the Effect of Folic Acid, Proteins, and Physical Activity in CB57 Mice
Excel, Daron; Green, David B. Brereton, Kelsey R. 263rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA “Directing Reativity of Iridium Photoelectrocatalysts Towards Ketone Reduction” March 2022.
Excel, Daron; Helm, Susan E., Green David B. 259th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA “Influence of dietary folic acid on homocysteine levels in an Alzheimer's model of C57bl mice” March 2020.

Audrey Whiting (Undergraduate Research Fellow 2019)
Spectroscopic, Thermal, and Theoretical Analysis of the Solid State Linkage Isomerization of Ni(II) Complexes
Whiting Audrey>; Brereton, Kelsey R.; Green David B. 259th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA “Spectroscopic and thermal analysis with computational modeling of the thermally-activated linkage isomerism of nitrite/nitrito nickel(II) complexes” March 2020.

Brad Estes (Undergraduate Research Fellow 2018)
Developing a Fast, Reliable, and Robust Microwave-Assisted Digestion Method for Difficult Alloys in Preparation for Spectroscopic Analysis
Estes, Bradley J.; Green, David B. “Microwave-Assisted Digestion of Alloys Coupled with Spectroscopic Determination of Manganese, Nickel, and Chromium” The Chemical Educator, 2022, 27, 1-7.
Microwave-Assisted Digestion of Alloys Coupled with Spectroscopic Analysis of Manganese, Nickel, and Chromium (April 2020)
Estes, Bradley J.; Green, David B. 257th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL “Microwave-assisted digestion of alloys coupled with spectroscopic analysis of manganese, nickel, and chromium: Modern sample preparation in the analytical chemistry laboratory.” April 2019

Daniel Hu (Research Assistant 2018; Stauffer Research Fellow 2018; Natural Science Division Outstanding Chemistry Student 2019)
Determination of TTX in the California Newt, Taricha torosa, including Gary Bucciarlli (UCLA La Kretz Center) and Lee Kats (Pepperdine Department of Biology)
Hu, Daniel; Bucciarelli, Gary M.; Kats, Lee B.; Green, David B. 257th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL “Determination of tetrodotoxin in the California newt, Taricha torosa, by high performance ion-pair liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection: Geographic and environmental considerations” April 2019.

Lina Mikaliunaite (Research Assistant 2017; Stauffer Research Fellow 2017, 2018, 2019; American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, 2020; Natural Science Division Outstanding Chemistry Student 2020)
Improved Determination of Homocysteine and Other Aminothiols in Plasma and Soft Tissues Utilizing New Turn-On Fluorophores
Mikaliunaite, Lina; Green, David B. “Using a 3-hydroxyflavone derivative as a fluorescent probe for the indirect determination of aminothiols separated by ion-pair HPLC” RSC Analytical Methods, 2021, 13, 2915–2925
Using a 3-Hydroxyflavone Derivative as a Fluorescent Probe for the Indirect Determination of Aminothiols Separated by Ion-Pair HPLC (May 2020)
Mikaliunaite, Lina; Green, David B. 259th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA “Use of a 3-hydroxyflavone derivative as a fluorescent probe for the indirect determination of aminothiols after separation with ion-pair HPLC” March 2020.
Mikaliunaite, Lina; Green, David B. 257th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL “Indirect determination of biologically significant aminothiols by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection using a 3-hydroxyflavone derivative” April 2019.
Mikaliunaite, Lina; Green, David B. 255th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA “Determination of biological aminothiols by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with post-column reaction and indirect fluorescence detection” March 2018.
Blayney, Morgan B.; Mikaliunaite, L; Green, David B. 253rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (Analytical Division and SciMix), San Francisco, CA “Microwave-assisted synthesis of SBD-F derivatives for the HPLC-FLD determination of four biological aminothiols” April 2017.

Morgan Blayney (Undergraduate Research Fellow 2015, 2016; American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, 2016; Natural Science Division Outstanding Chemistry Student 2017)
Determination of Homocysteine and Other Aminothiols in Plasma and Soft Tissues and Improvement in Temporal Economics with Microwave-Assisted Chemisty
Susan Helm, Morgan Blayney, Taylor Whited, Mahjabin Noroozi, Annalisa Averill,
Sen Lin, Semira Kern, Xeena Amirani, David Green, and Ahmad Saleh “Deleterious effects of chronic folate deficiency in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome”,Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2017, 11:161, 1-9.
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of SBD-F Derivatives for the HPLC-FLD Determination of Four Biological Aminothiols (June 2017)
Blayney, Morgan B.; Mikaliunaite, L; Green, David B. 253rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (Analytical Division and SciMix), San Francisco, CA “Microwave-assisted synthesis of SBD-F derivatives for the HPLC-FLD determination of four biological aminothiols” April 2017.
Blayney, Morgan; Buffalo, John B.; Gribble, Alexander F.; Green, David B. American Chemical Society Southern California Undergraduate Research Conference on Chemistry and Biochemistry, Long Beach, CA “Optimization of the microwave-enhanced derivatization of aminothiols with SBD-F followed by high performance liquid chromatographic determination coupled with fluorescence detection” April 2016.
Blayney, M.B.; Helm, S.; Green, D.B. 251st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (Analytical Division and SciMix), San Diego, CA “Determination of aminothiols by high performance liquid chromatography with post-column derivatization and fluorescence detection” March 2016.
Blayney, Morgan; Helm, Susan; Green, David B. Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Marcos, CA “High performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biological aminothiols after microwave-enhanced derivatization with SBD-F” November 2015.

Lia Jablonski (Undergraduate Research Fellow 2014,2015; Research Assistant 2016)
Developing new solid-phase extraction resins based on immobilized divalent ions on cation-exchange media
Jablonksi, Lia M.; Green, David B. 253rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA “Analytical- and preparative-scale isolation of oleandrin from Nerium oleander using microwave-assisted extraction coupled with purification using supported-metal ion solid phase extraction resins” April 2017.
Jablonski, Lia; Li, Amy; Green David B. 251st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Denver, CO, “Application of microwave-assisted extraction of oleandrin from Nerium oleander coupled with purification with using divalent metal ion-loaded cation exchange resins” March 2016.
Li, Amy; Jablonski, Lia; Green David B. 249th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Denver, CO, “Solid-phase extraction using new divalent metal ion-loaded cation exchange resins and application to the isolation of oleandrin from Nerium oleander” March 2015.

Alec Flores (2015)
Measurement of Glucose in Crayfish Hemolymph as a Proxy for cHH After Exposure to Nitrate: Correlation of Chemical and Behavioral Responses.
Alec Flores, Lee Kats, David Green and Gary Bucciarelli Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research, Pepperdine University, “Nitrate Toxicity to Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii: Effect of Nitrate Pollutant Runoff on Hemolymph Nitrate and Glucose Concentrations” November, 2015.
Alec Flores, Lee Kats, David Green and Gary Bucciarelli Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research, Pepperdine University, “Nitrate Toxicity to Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii: Effect of Nitrate Pollutant Runoff on Hemolymph Nitrate and Glucose Concentrations” November, 2015.

Jae Eun (Jenny) Min (2015)
Chemical Analysis of Boba Milk Tea and Implications for Obesity
Jae Eun Min, David B. Green, Loan Kim “Calories and Sugars in Boba Milk Tea: Implications for Obesity Risk in Asian Pacific Islanders” Food Science & Nutrition 2016, 4(2), 1-8 (DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.362).
Min, Jae Eun (Jenny); Kim, Loan; Green, David B. American Chemical Society Southern California Undergraduate Research Conference in Chemistry and Biochemistry, San Diego, CA, “Chemical Analysis of Boba Milk Tea and Implications for Obesity Risk” April 2015.

Jessica "Jessie" Ruzich (2015)
Determination of Selected Heavy Metals in Black and Green Teas from Asia and Japan after Microwave-Assisted Digestion
Ruzich, Jessica; Green, David B. American Chemical Society Southern California Undergraduate Research Conference in Chemistry and Biochemistry, San Diego, CA, “Determination of Selected Heavy Metals in Black and Green Teas from Asia and Japan after Microwave-Assisted Digestion” April 2015

Amy Li (Undergraduate Research Fellow 2013,2014, Natural Science Division Outstanding Research Student)
Developing new solid-phase extraction resins based on immobilized divalent ions on cation-exchange media
Optimization of the extraction and HPLC-Fluorescence method for the determination of tetrodotoxin in Taricha torosa
Gary M. Bucciarelli, Amy Li, Lee B. Kats, David.B. Green “Quantifying tetrodotoxin levels in the California newt using a non-destructive sampling method” Toxicon 2014, 80, 87-93.
An Improved Method for the Determination of Tetrodotoxin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Fluorescence Detection and application to the Quantifying tetrodotoxin levels in the California newt using a non-destructive sampling method (April 2015)
Li, Amy; Jablonski, Lia; Green David B. 249th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Denver, CO, “Solid-phase extraction using new divalent metal ion-loaded cation exchange resins and application to the isolation of oleandrin from Nerium oleander” March 2015.
A. Li, G.M. Bucciarelli, L.B. Kats, D.B. Green 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, TX, “Reduced sample size and improved extraction and recovery of tetrodotoxin from the California newt, T. torosa, with quantitation by HPLC-FLD” March 2014.

Jason Kim (Undergraduate Research Fellow 2013)
Development of a new solid-phase extraction medium and its application to fast isolation of natural products local plants

Matt Gribble (Undergraduate Research Fellow 2013)
Dr. Jane Ganske, Principle Investigator
Matt continued and advanced the work started by Tom Boundy, moving the sampling of aldehydes to new areas
Gribble, Matthew D.; Green, David B.; Ganske, Jane A. 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, TX, “Determination of volatile carbonyl compounds in university weight room air using passive sampling” March 2014.
Logan Schmitz (2015)
Combining FTIR spectroscopy and the Vernier GC in the analysis of a binary mixture: A General Chemistry Investigation
Logan A. Schmitz, Kim A. Gerling, Joseph M. Fritsch, David.B. Green “Combining FTIR spectroscopy and the Vernier gas chromatograph: Analysis of a Binary Mixture” Accepted in The Chemical Educator, 2014, 19, 14-17.
Schmitz, Logan; Gerling, Kim; Fritsch Joseph M.; Green, David B. 245th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, “Combining FTIR spectroscopy and the Vernier GC in the analysis of a binary mixture: A General Chemistry Investigation” April 2013.
After completing his project on FTIR and the Verier GC, Logan participated in research in inorganic chemistry with Dr. Joe Fritsch.

Kelsey Brereton (2013, URF Fellow, Tooma Undergraduate Research Fellow, Natural Science Division Outstanding Research Student)
Determination of cadmium, lead, and copper from seawater by anodic stripping voltammetry utilizing the gallium-modified bismuth-film electrode after extraction with Amberlite IRC748 ion-exchange resin
Development of a fast method for the isolation of saccharides in dairy and soy products by solid-phase extraction coupled with analysis by ligand-exchange chromatography
Slattery, Reile M.; Stahl, Amanda E.; Brereton, Kelsey R.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Green, David B.; Fritsch,Joseph M. “Ring opening polymerization and Copolymerization of L-Lactide and ϵ-Caprolactone by Bis-Ligated Magnesium Complexes” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2019, 57(1), 48-59 (DOI: 10.1002/pola.29280).
Brereton, Kelsey R.; Green David B. “Isolation of Saccharides in Dairy and Soy Products by Solid-Phase Extraction Coupled with Analysis by Ligand-Exchange Chromatography” Talanta 2012, 100, 384-390.
Development of Sample Preparation Methods for the Determination of Saccharides in Dairy and Soy Products and Heavy Metals in Sea Water (February 2013)
Kelsey R. Brereton, Arnold L. Rheingold, David B. Green, and Joseph M. Fritsch 245th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, “Synthesis of magnesium complexes with electron-donating ketoiminates for the polymerization of L-lactide” April 2013.
Brereton, Kelsey R.; Miguelino, Michelle; Green, David B. 243rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA, “Two-season survey of cadmium, lead, and copper in a recreational harbor by anodic stripping voltammetric analysis utilizing the gallium-modified bismuth film electrode” March, 2012.
Brereton, Kelsey R.; Miguelino, Michelle; Green, David B. 43rd Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Pasadena, CA, “Analysis of cadmium, lead, and copper from desalinized seawater by anodic stripping voltammetric analysis utilizing the gallium-modified bismuth film electrode” November, 2011.
Brereton, K.R.; Green, D.B. 241st National Conference of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA, “Isolation of Saccharides in Dairy and Soy products by Solid-Phase Extraction Coupled with Analysis by Ligand-Exchange Chromatography” March, 2011.
Brereton, K.R.; Green, D.B. 2010 Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research, Pepperdine University, “Isolation of Saccharides in Dairy and Soy products by Solid-Phase Extraction Coupled with Analysis by Ligand-Exchange Chromatography” November, 2010.
Tom Boundy (2013, Tooma Undergraduate Research Fellow, Undergraduate Research Fellow, Natural Science Division Outstanding Chemistry Student)
Dr. Jane Ganske, Principle Investigator
Utilizing passive-sampling coupled with DNPH derivatization, Tom explored and quantitated a wide range of volatile aldehydes in a variety of indoor locals
Characterization of Volatile Aldehydes in Library Air (July 2013)
Boundy, Thomas I.; Green, David, B.; Ganske, Jane A. 245th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, “Determination of volatile aldehydes in university library air using passive sampling” April, 2013.
Boundy, Thomas I.; Green, David, B.; Ganske, Jane A. 243rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA, “Determination of volatile aldehydes in university library air using passive sampling” March, 2012.
Anna Chowaniec (2012)
An improved HPLC-Fluorescence method for the determination of tetrodotoxin in Taricha torosa
Chowaniec, Anna; Bucciarelli, Gary; Kats, Lee; Green, David B. 43rd Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Pasadena, CA, “An improved method for the analysis of tetrodotoxin by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection” November, 2011.
Michelle Miguelino (2012, Tooma Undergraduate Research Fellow)
Developing a selective solid-phase extraction resin for the isolation of transition metals in preparation for electrochemical analysis at a gallium-modified bismuth film electrode
Brereton, Kelsey R.; Miguelino, Michelle; Green, David B. 243rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA, “Two-season survey of cadmium, lead, and copper in a recreational harbor by anodic stripping voltammetric analysis utilizing the gallium-modified bismuth film electrode” March, 2012.
Brereton, Kelsey R.; Miguelino, Michelle; Green, David B. 43rd Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Pasadena, CA, “Analysis of cadmium, lead, and copper from desalinized seawater by anodic stripping voltammetric analysis utilizing the gallium-modified bismuth film electrode” November, 2011.
Miguelino, M; Green, D.B. 241st National Conference of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA, “Analyis of copper in a recreational harbor by anodic stripping voltammetric analysis utilizing the gallium-modified bismuth film electrode” March, 2011.
Miquelino, M.; Green, David B. 2010 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, “Extraction of Copper, Cadmium, and Lead from Synthetic Seawater Samples Prior to Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Analysis Utilizing the Gallium-Modified Bismuth Film Electrode”, March 2010.

Lauran McCormick (2011, Tooma Undergraduate Research Fellow)
Utilizing the gallium-modified bismuth film electrode (GaBiFE) for the determination of metals in difference matrices and the electrochemical analysis of gun shot residue on an authentic shooter's hands
McCormick, L.H.; Davis, S.C.; Townsend, T.R.; Green, D.B. 241st National Conference of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA, “Application of the gallium-modified bismuth film electrode to the anodic stripping voltammetric analysis of some marker metals in gunshot residue”, March, 2011
McCormick, L.H.; Davis, S.C.; Green, D.B. 2010 Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research, Pepperdine University, “Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Copper, Lead, and Zinc in Human Hair Using a Gallium-Modified Bismuth Film Electrode” November, 2010.

Taryn Townsend (2009, Tooma Undergraduate Research Fellow)
Reversible conversion of a Spectronic-20 spectrophotometer to a single-beam scanning spectrophotometer using Lego Mindstorm NXT robotics and a Pasco Science computer interface
Taryn was the first to apply anodic stripping voltammetry utilizing the bismuth film electrode to the forensics application of determining gunshot residue on an authentic shooter's hand.
McCormick, L.H.; Davis, S.C.; Townsend, T.R.; Green, D.B. 241st National Conference of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA, “Application of the gallium-modified bismuth film electrode to the anodic stripping voltammetric analysis of some marker metals in gunshot residue”, March, 2011.
Townsend, Taryn, R.; Green, David B. 2008 Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research, Cal Poly Pomona, “Using LEGO Mindstorms™ NXT and Pasco Science Workshop™ to Enhance a Spectronic-20+ Spectrophotometer to a Scanning Single-Beam for Laboratory Demonstration”, November, 2008.
Andrew Clark (2010)
Dr. Jane Ganske, Principle Investigator
Andrew developed and applied solid-phase microextraction coupled with GC-MS to the determination of air-borne compounds produced as book paper ages
Clark, Andrew J.; Calvillo, Jesse L.; Roosa, Mark S.; Green, David B.; Ganske, Jane A. “Degradation Product Emission from Historic and Modern Books by Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry” Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011, 399(10), 3589-3600
Clark, Andrew J.; Calvillo, Jesse; Ganske, Jane A.; Green, David B. 2008 Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research, Cal Poly Pomona, “Application of Headspace SPME-GC/MS to Non-Intrusively Characterize the Aging of Rare Books”, November, 2008.

Reid Messersmith (2010, Tooma Undergraduate Research Fellow)
Advancing the use the bismuth-film electrode in the electrochemical determination of copper after isolation with PAN-carboxen solid-phase extraction media
Evans, Alexandra L.; Messersmith, Reid E.; Green, David B.; Fritsch, Joseph M. “Degradation of environmental contaminants with water-soluble cobalt catalysts: An integrative inorganic chemistry investigation” Journal of Chemical Education, 2011, 88(2), 204-208
Messersmith, Reid E.; Phillips, Patrick T.; Green, David B. 42nd Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Las Vegas, “Extraction of Copper from Seawater Samples Prior to Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Analysis Utilizing a Bismuth Film Electrode”, September, 2008.
Patrick Phillips (2008, Tooma Undergraduate Research Fellow)
Determination of the ion exchange capacity and simple sugar rtention characteristics of the Phenomenex ABW mixed-bed extraction media
Patrick also started this laboratory's work towards utilizing the bismuth-film electrode for anodic stripping voltammetry.
Phillips, Patrick T.; Green, David B. Symposium of the Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Pepperdine University “Trace Cu and Pb Investigation in Ocean Samples by Osteryoung Square Wave Stripping Voltammetry”, February, 2008.
Phillips, Patrick T.; Green, David B. 41st Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, “Determination of the Ion Exchange Capacity and Simple Sugar Retention Characteristics of the Phenomenex ABW Mixed-Bed Extraction Media”, October, 2007.
Phillips, Patrick T.; Green, David B. Symposium of the Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Pepperdine University “Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Surfactants using Cyclic Voltammetry”, November, 2006.