Welcome to the first (will there be another?) edition of GoseWriter!

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...a dangerous concept...I continue to develop my Web Site (globalvillage.pepperdine.edu) with "you" in mind. My Stanford advisor does not have such a site, but I've often thought about what I would appreciate from him...I am very aware of many of his interests...he stays current in those interests...I share many of them...might I be such a clearinghouse of resources on topics that we very well may share in common?

Probably not, but here gose...

My web site: http://globalvillage.pepperdine.edu

My newest addition to my web site--film links for students:

Continues to be my favorite music stop--Jazz91.1:

My most recent favorite (but perhaps overlooked movie) that is now available in video: After Life. A good film review of After Life by Roger Ebert:

If you are really bored and want to read the stuff I've written from high school until now, wanted to get published, and didn't:

Still the best piece I've written for all you new parents:

Check out the reviews of my book at Amazon.com:

My most recent addition to my "Humor" site (but it's optical illusions rather than jokes):

That my most recent batch of Cuban cigars were captured at the border has nothing to do with my posting on recognizing counterfeit cigars:

The recipe I've been making most often lately is Martha Stewart's pecan pie--go to "Recipe Finder" and search for Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie:

Last, and it would be least, except I'm not the only one in the picture:

Will periodic editions of GoseWriter be worth the time to open? Yes, if the collective "you" continue to use me as a clearinghouse for the best of the best resources that are out there on topics where we share common interests. It's the least the old professor should try to do for his students, former students, friends, colleagues, who continue to humor him and pass on such useful tips and information, and an excuse to inflict upon you gosewriting...be good and don't take no wooden nickels, michael

p.s. i will be trying to clean up my e-mail address groups...again...

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