Childhood's Parable

Michael Gose, Ph.D.

Pepperdine University

Malibu, CA


What they have to say about Childhood's Parable:

"A story for all seasons" --Thyme Magazine

"Wonder Years goes to church" --The Wittenburg Door

"We raised him to be a nice boy"--Michael's mother

"He spelled my name `Margret' [sic] when he sent me love letters"--Margaret

"I've never forgiven him"--Maurice

"I knew he'd never amount to much."--Miss Haas, Miss Giloon, Mrs. Gross

"My son always did have an overactive imagination."--Michael's Father

"Michael was really the one no one liked."--Angela and Janet

"I have no recollection of ever dating him"--Marcia

"Indeed, the distinction between `learned' and `popular' is one which Michael seems unable to make"--A. N. Wilson

"Dad reenters the world which with the deepest part of himself he never left, that of childhood."--Michael's daughter, Creedance

"Michael is a Romantic Egoist, pass it on."--Graffitti on the bathroom wall at Stockton Elementary School

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