Sky Chart and Artist Rendering of Libra
Libra is a medium-sized ecliptic constellation (seventh constellation in
the ancient zodiac) which represents the scales of justice or a balance now associated with Virgo, the
goddess of Justice who used the scales as the emblem of her office.
The Romans recognized the constellation as the Scales as far back as 2,000
BC. Libra has in the past also been associated with Scorpius as the Scorpion's claws by the
Libra is an easy target being well-placed between Virgo
to its west and Scorpius to its
east. Libra culminates on July 8 at 9 pm. There are only
a few interesting deep sky objects in Libra -- 2 galaxies and 1 planetary
nebula (the glowing gas ejected from a dead star). |