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Dorado, the Swordfish



Sky Chart and Artist Rendering of Dorado

Proposed by Dutch navigator P.D. Keyser in 1596 and introduced by Johann Bayer in 1603 in the Uranometria.  Some sources identify Dorado as the dolphinfish (mahi mahi in Hawaii) and the goldfish.

Dorado is a long, sprawling constellation that starts at one end within 20° of the south celestial pole and terminates at the other end near Caelum, passing by Reticulum, Pictor, and Horologium on its way north.  The Large Magellanic Cloud is found at the border dividing Dorado and Mensa, the Table, but Dorado is otherwise and unremarkable grouping.  Dorado culminates for southern observers at 9 pm around the end of January.  Most of Dorado is always below the horizon for observers north of 20° N lat.