Andrew M. Yuengert


Seaver College

Pepperdine University

Malibu, CA 90263


phone: work - (310) 506-4380



Books and Monographs:


   Approximating Prudence: Aristotelian Practical Wisdom and Economic Models of Choice (New York: Palgrave

             Macmillan, 2012). (preface)


   The Boundaries of Technique:  Ordering Positive and Normative Concerns in Economic Research (Lanham, MD:

             Lexington Books, 2004). (preface)


   Inhabiting the Land: The Case for the Right to Migrate, Monograph, Christian Social Thought Series, Center for

             Economic Personalism, 2004.


Book Chapters:


   “Roman Catholic Economics,” in The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics, ed. Paul Oslington (Oxford:

             Oxford University Press, forthcoming). (working paper)


   “What is ‘Sustainable Prosperity for All’ in the Catholic Social Tradition?” in The True Wealth of Nations: Developing an

             Architecture for Analysis, ed. Daniel Rush Finn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010). (working paper)


   “Prudence and Development Ethics,” in New Directions in Development Ethics: Essays in Honor of Denis Goulet, eds.

             Charles K. Wilber and Amitava Krishna Dutt (Notre Dame, IN: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 2010). (working paper)


   “Free Markets and the Culture of Consumption,” in Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy, ed. Philip Booth

             (London: Institute for Economic Analysis, 2007). (working paper)


   “The Uses of Economics in Papal Encyclicals,” in Religion and Economics : Normative Social Theory, eds. James Dean

             and A.M.C. Waterman (Kluwer Press, 1999).


Refereed Journal Articles:


   “Economics and Interdisciplinary Exchange in Catholic Social Teaching and Caritas in Veritate,” Journal of Business

             Ethics, March 2011. (working paper)


   “Location Decisions of Abortion Clinics and Crisis Pregnancy Centers in California” (with Joel Fetzer), Catholic Social

             Science Review, 2010.


   “Two Barriers to Moral Agency in Business Education,” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Culture, Summer 2010.


   “Elements of a Christian Critique of Consumer Theory," Faith & Economics, Fall 2009.


   “From Prophecy to Policy: Bishops, Prudence, and Immigration Politics,” University of St. Thomas Law Journal, Summer



   “The Multiple Purposes of Models: The Case of Rational Addiction,” The Journal of Economic Methodology, March



   “International Migration and the Universal Common Good,” The Journal for Peace and Justice Studies, Spring 2004.


   “Why Did the Economist Cross the Road?  The Hierarchical Logic of Ethical and Economic Reasoning,” Economics and

             Philosophy, October 2002. (working paper)


   “The Common Good for Economists,” Faith and Economics, Fall 2001.


   “Do Bishops Matter? A Cross-sectional Study of Ordinations to the Roman Catholic Priesthood by Diocese,” Review of

             Religious Research, Spring, 2001.


   “Rational Choice with Passion: Virtue in a Model of Rational Addiction,” Review of Social Economy, March, 2001.


   “Catholic Social Teaching and Economics on Immigration,” Journal of Markets and Morality, Spring 2000.


   “Free Markets and Character,” Catholic Social Science Review, Fall 1996.


   “Testing Hypotheses of Immigrant Self-Employment,” Journal of Human Resources, Winter 1995.


   “Immigrant Earnings, Relative to What?  The Importance of Earnings Function Specification and Comparison Points,”

             Journal of Applied Econometrics, February 1994.


   “The Measurement of Efficiency in Life Insurance : Estimates of a Mixed Normal-Gamma Error Model,” Journal of

             Banking and Finance, April 1993.


Other Publications:


   “The Conversation between Economics and Theology in Christian Colleges,” contribution to a Symposium on “What Do

             Economists and Theologians Have to Say to Each Other: Present Situation and Future Prospects,” Faith &

             Economics, Fall 2011.


   “Teaching the Introduction to Microeconomics Course in the Catholic Business School Curriculum,” background paper,

              syllabus, and teaching notes, online at,

             under Economics (micro). August 2010.


   “U.S. Immigration Policy: A Catholic Critique,” Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy: An Encyclopedia, eds. J. Varacalli, S. Krason, R. Myers, and M. Coulter (Scarecrow Press, 2007).


   “Economic Research into the Abortion Decision: A Literature Review and a New Direction,” with Joel Fetzer, Life and Learning XV: Proceedings of the University Faculty for Life conference (Washington, D.C.: University Faculty for Life, 2005).


   “Moral Entrepreneurship and the Real Common Good,” published interview, Religion and Liberty, November/December 2004.


   "The Right to Migrate, According to Catholic Social Thought," interview with Zenit News Agency, 20 March 1004.


   “Pascal's Inference,” Faith and Reason, Summer 2001.


   “The Baby Boom Generation and Aggregate Savings,” Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review, Fall 1994. with Richard Cantor.


   “Excess Capacity in the Property-Casualty Industry: Empirical Evidence,” in Studies on Excess Capacity in the Financial Sector, Federal Reserve Bank of New York staff study, Spring 1993.


   “Excess Capacity in the Life Insurance Industry: Empirical Evidence,” in Studies on Excess Capacity in the Financial Sector, Federal Reserve Bank of New York staff study, Spring 1993.


Work in Progress:


   “Thinking About Markets, Acting in Markets.”


   “Decision Analysis in Light of the Practical Wisdom Tradition,” submitted to the Journal of Catholic Higher Education.


   “Subsidiarity, True and False”


   “Catholic Social Teaching and the Social Science of Economics.”


Invited Lectures and Speeches:


  “Immigration Rights and the Rule of Law,” speech to the Philadelphia Society Annual Conference, “What is an American?” Miami, April 2005.


  “The Right to Migrate,” speech to conference sponsored by the John F. Henning Institute, "The Church and the Worker in the Modern World: Partners in a Sacred Trust," St. Mary’s College of California, November 2004.


  “Unself-consciously Christian Scholarship,” speech to the inaugural meeting of Omicron Delta Epsilon, the Economics National Honor Society, Westmont College, May 2003.


  “The Right To Migrate,” Marburg Memorial Lecture, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 9 April 2003.


  “Final Thoughts on the Conference,” presented at concluding plenary panel, Lilly Fellows National Research Conference on Christianity and Economics, Baylor University, November 2002.


Talks Given at Pepperdine:


  “Vocation and the Divided Self,” talk given at Communication Connection conference on the role of liberal arts in professional education, March 2004.


  “What Now?” Baccalaureate Address, December 2002.


  “Unself-consciously Christian Scholarship,” talk given to Lilly Conference on Faith and Learning at Pepperdine, March 2001.  Published in Faith and Learning at Pepperdine University, Pepperdine Center for Faith and Learning, 2001.